C2E2 2018 Schedule

This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →
As promised, here is the full video for our C2E2 panel on geek communities, inclusivity, diversity and representation: “Opening the Clubhouse Doors: Creating More Inclusive Geek Communities.”* (UPDATE: The following discussion Continue Reading →
This edition of the C2E2 Spotlight highlights the description and panelist bios for the geek diversity and inclusion panel. I feel incredibly lucky to be working with these panelists, who have all done Continue Reading →
I’ve been a volunteer for CHIditarod, “probably the world’s largest mobile food drive,” for several years. If you’ve never heard of the event, think “urban race meets bar crawl meets Continue Reading →
In early March 2013, the Chicago Nerd Social Club Podcast invited the members of the “Exorcising the Spectre of the Fake Geek Girl” C2E2 panel for an interview. Although we had Continue Reading →
C2E2 2013 is over and holy nerd conventions, Batman! I’ll have a post up summarizing the convention with pictures and some thoughts on the con in general once I’ve recovered Continue Reading →
Back in March, I went back on the Chicago podcast, Loot the Room for a second visit with David, Ben and James to talk about my Chicago Comics & Entertainment Continue Reading →