Say Hello to the New Editor-in-Chief of SFWA

I’m proud to announce that I’ve accepted a position with the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America as their Editor-in-Chief! Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
I’m proud to announce that I’ve accepted a position with the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America as their Editor-in-Chief! Continue Reading →
Because I never do things in half-measures, next week, April 20-23 is going to be filled with panel appearances, comics, and con shenanigans! Continue Reading →
With Uncanny Magazine’s Kickstarter for Year Two: The Return of the Space Unicorn in full swing (50% funded before the end of Day One!), Wizard World Chicago almost snuck up on me. Continue Reading →
The nominations list for the 2014 Hugo Awards was released yesterday and Easter weekend news release timing aside, it’s already been a topic of considerable discussion. To say the list is Continue Reading →
As of yesterday, Invisible, the anthology collecting the essays written for Jim C. Hines’s guest writer series on representation and diversity in science fiction/fantasy, is live and available for purchase! As Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago, fantasy author Jim C. Hines put out a call for guest bloggers to submit article ideas for a series on diversity and representation in science fiction/fantasy Continue Reading →
It’s no secret I spend a lot of time talking about social issues in geek culture/fandom. Partly it’s because I’m genuinely fascinated by the social dynamics on display, and as Continue Reading →
In early March 2013, the Chicago Nerd Social Club Podcast invited the members of the “Exorcising the Spectre of the Fake Geek Girl” C2E2 panel for an interview. Although we had Continue Reading →