C2E2 2018 Schedule

This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →
May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month! Given the recent intense spate of conversations about Orientalism, whitewashing, and white saviorism in pop culture, I thought it would be useful to collect the Continue Reading →
Because I never do things in half-measures, next week, April 20-23 is going to be filled with panel appearances, comics, and con shenanigans! Continue Reading →
I’d meant to get this post up before the Hugo nominations were open, but better late than never. It was a banner year for SF/F in multiple media formats, as Continue Reading →
It’s no secret that being a woman in geek culture often means you’ve got a long row to hoe uphill, particularly if you want to become a game designer, comic Continue Reading →
This C2E2-related event is a fundraising benefit for Reading With Pictures, a local charity that encourages literacy through the use of comics and “provides practical advice and material assistance to educators Continue Reading →
For the month of April leading up to C2E2 on April 25-27, I’ll be running a series of posts spotlighting panels and events at the convention associated with friends, colleagues Continue Reading →
In early March 2013, the Chicago Nerd Social Club Podcast invited the members of the “Exorcising the Spectre of the Fake Geek Girl” C2E2 panel for an interview. Although we had Continue Reading →