C2E2 2018 Schedule

This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →
A lot of this post was something I’d intended to write after C2E2 2014, but of course life happened and next thing I knew, it was time to prepare for Continue Reading →
Because I apparently can’t help but over schedule myself, I’ll be part of five panels for my first-ever WisCon experience. I’m beyond excited to be a part of this – Continue Reading →
The nominations list for the 2014 Hugo Awards was released yesterday and Easter weekend news release timing aside, it’s already been a topic of considerable discussion. To say the list is Continue Reading →
As of yesterday, Invisible, the anthology collecting the essays written for Jim C. Hines’s guest writer series on representation and diversity in science fiction/fantasy, is live and available for purchase! As Continue Reading →
Taking a page from Jim C. Hines’s book, this is a guest post by my good friend and fellow geek, Ora, who was kind enough to provide her thoughts on Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago, fantasy author Jim C. Hines put out a call for guest bloggers to submit article ideas for a series on diversity and representation in science fiction/fantasy Continue Reading →