Iron Fist: On False Choices, Whitedudesplaining & Expecting Gratitude for Doing Diversity (badly)

The first tweet links to an excellent summary of the whole Finn Jones/Iron Fist twitter mess — I made it after the rest of the tweets in this Storify but it provides necessary context. Unsurprisingly it started with a white dude not knowing how to just stop & listen before flouncing (temporarily) and leaving the WOC who tried–reasonably–to explain where he was failing to be piled on by defensive fans. Continue Reading →

C2E2 2018 Schedule

My C2E2 2018 schedule: Friday 4/6 It's Ok to Not Like Things, 4/7 Yellowface, Whitewashing, and Window Dressing, and Exploring Gender through Comics, Sunday 4/8 It's Ok to Not Like Things Family Edition

This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →