C2E2 2016 Speaker Schedule

c2e2-square-logo-thumb-lowresMy “home” con, the Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) is a week away! The panel offerings at the con this year are pretty darned good, so running around to try and make as many as possible is going to be taking up quite a bit of my con time. Which should keep me from blowing my budget at Artists Alley. Should, but probably won’t.

Knowing how fast that time goes, here’s where you can find me on panels at the con:

Saturday, March 19, 2016
Fight the Power (moderator)
Saturday, March 19, 12:30-1:30pm, Room S405a
Frodo and the Fellowship fought Sauron and his evil horde; a rag-tag group of rebels take down the Empire in a galaxy far, far away. Sci-fi/ Fantasy is full of stories about revolution, a few taking on many, an unlikely hero surmounting incredible odds to achieve victory. A panel of SFF authors will discuss their favorite stories of SFF revolution, and what they like so much about writing books where their characters take on the man and fight the power, no matter what the odds of success are! #FightThePower
Michelle Hauck (Birth of Saints series)
Lisa Yee (Millicent Min, Girl Genius; The Kidney Hypothetical: How to Ruin Your Life in Seven Days)
Rachel Caine (Ink & Bone)
Kristen Simmons (Article 5 series)
Arwen Elys Dayton (Seeker series)

Sunday, March 20
With Great Power: Mentoring the Next Generation of Geeks (panel originator/panelist)
Sunday, March 20, 10:45-11:45am, Room S405a
How can we open doors for new creators? What are some of the biggest challenges in advocating for greater inclusion of under-represented stories and perspectives in our fields? This panel of writers, editors, filmmakers, and nerdy community leaders will lead a vibrant discussion about what it means to provide mentorship and guidance to fresh voices looking to make their mark in geek culture. Audience Q&A to follow panelist discussion. Sponsored in part by Chicago Nerd Social Club. #WithGreatPower
Lynne M. Thomas (Uncanny Magazine, Chicks Dig Time Lords)
Wesley Sun (Sun Bros Studios)
Ytasha L. Womack (Bar Star City, Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture)
Aaron Amendola, moderator (VStheUniverse)

Professional Geek: How to Turn Your Passion into A Career (panelist)
Sunday, March 20, 3:45-4:45pm, Room S503
A panel of professional geeks from various industries, including video games, music composers, producers, podcasters, and journalists offer the audience sage advice for how to break into your chosen industry, and tell some funny stories of how they got into the jobs they’re in now. Includes a discussion on the different ways that being a geek can help you become a better professional, and advice on everything from copyright law to networking and turning your favorite thing into your career.
Devin Delaney (Composer, NoiseFloor LTD)
John Wong (Sound Designer, NoiseFloor LTD)
Carly Hill (Editor, Threadless)
Majdi Badri (Project Lead, Synapse Games)
Chris Mau (Owner, Blue Box Café)
Alil Kunica (Owner, League of Geekz)
Blaire Knight-Graves, moderator (Producer, Original Six Media)

I look forward to attending C2E2 every year. I’m especially excited that Mary McDonnell is a guest at the con this year. Most people know her as the President from Battlestar Galactica, but for me, she’ll always be the formidable and bittingly-witty Liz from Sneakers — and I’m a HUGE fan of her character Capt. Raydor on Major Crimes. So don’t be surprised if you see me in line for her autograph. Hopefully I’ll see you at the con!

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