Kitchen Experiments: Egg Bites

On Thursday on social media I shared my experiments about making an approximation of the Starbucks sous vide egg bites that I love but do not want to get sucked into a habit of paying for often… Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
On Thursday on social media I shared my experiments about making an approximation of the Starbucks sous vide egg bites that I love but do not want to get sucked into a habit of paying for often… Continue Reading →
It’s going to be a busy week! I’ve got 2 upcoming appearances in Chicago: Thursday, September 21, 2017, 8:30pm, FREE The Hungry Brain, 2319 W. Belmont, Chicago, IL The Therapy Continue Reading →
If 2015 was about transition, then I hope to make 2016 about building new skills, having better patience with myself, reconnecting with the things I enjoy doing and people I love spending time with, and giving myself permission to take a break once in awhile. Continue Reading →